Justice League Movie Begins Shooting April 11th


DC comics fans have had the patience of a saint.  Marvel Studios began their shared Marvel Cinematic Universe more than a decade ago with Iron Man, and as we stand the DC Cinematic Universe only has the one Superman film.  The second, Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice, comes out next month, followed by Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman, but it is the first unity of heroes event that people are waiting for.  Where is the DC Cinematic Universe’s Avengers?

Well, Justice League is on its way.  Comic book filmmaker Zach Snyder, who brought us both Man of Steel and Watchmen, has now publicly said that filming will begin on Justice League on April 11th, 2016.  Justice League: Part I will be coming out on November 17th, 2017, followed later by the second part in June of 2019.  Since both of the films will be filmed together we can expect them to keep the breakneck pace that we have been promised.

Many people have doubted that DC would be able to live up to the schedule that they released, but now with Suicide Squad edging our theaters and the first clips of Wonder Woman being made available, it seems like we may end up with this real shared film universe after all.

While we are optimistic about what is in front of us, it is difficult to know what we are in store with only one film behind us.  Man of Steel was less than overwhelming, and Batman v. Superman is coming after Christopher Nolan’s groundbreaking Dark Knight trilogy.  On top of that, the Suicide Squad is a lot more tongue-in-cheek that people expect from the darker DCU, so all bets are off for how this is going to play out.

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